
Thursday, March 22, 2007

Happy Birthday... No hot dog story here

Happy Birthday To Me
Happy Birthday To Me
Happy Birthday Dear Mary
Happy Birthday To Me....

Sunday, March 18, 2007

new thought on pgs. 89-128

I found these pages to be rewarding in the fact that they show ways to incorporate daily situations into the design process. I have to agree with the statement mentioned in the story section of "I learn more from listening to stories than reading technical material." ( I might have left out a few words)

The one thing I thought about with this section is, a story is a symphony; it is constructed to bring empathy or play while everyone takes with them their own meaning(s) from the story.

Pink has made me think about what it means to design.

I need to design so that learners can take with them a piece of instruction that has meaning and purpose in their life. I think that this also reflects why school is so boring for students today. It seems to me that technology and life is so fast paced that children get bored too quickly, and to the right brain child, who wants to learn about math or science when they can think about creating?

Well that is my story and I'm sticking to it.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

week 7 reflection

I have to say that I agree with Erica's statement "The handout with the Visual Language hierarchy kept me more engaged than the other handout." The combination of the two handouts gave me a way to compare and contrast the way we layout our information. It brings to mind for me as to how much text and imagery should we supply to get our point across? Also, the presentations in class were great. I liked the tagging presentation.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

ITEC Social Hour(s)

If you didn't go, you missed a great time. It was still going strong at 9:30pm when I left. (Erica I want that cake!) It was so much fun to sit around and talk about whatever popped up. If you missed this one, you should go to the next one. Who needs peachy puffs when you have BEER, COHORTS, FOOD, and FUN? See you next time.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

5 photo story telling


My link for my story since it was not shown in class. I didn't upload it to iLearn. I just put it in my blog.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

NEW... Group Project Tab in ITEC830 netvibes

Hey fellow classmates and Dr. Foreman,
I set up a new tab on our netvibes that is for group projects. You don't have to set one up. I did for my group so we all have just one place to go and look for information, instead of emailing each other and deleting emails by mistake and spam box input. Also, it is a way for all of you to check out what we are all doing and lend some advice / input. Like I said, you don't have to do it.



This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

week 6 reflection

This weeks discussions were interesting. The 5 frame story telling was a comprising way to not only tell a story but it to hear a story as well. The idea that from the same 5 pictures, 15 people can tell a different story. This not only illustrates how each individual interprets things differently, but the way we each told it. The approach to the story made each one unique. Everything from serious to comical to invoking memories. However, we were all engaged in listening to each story. Story telling has been around forever and just like our ancestors before us, pictures are worth a thousand words, if not more. We all add our piece to the story as well.

The flickr mapping was an observation for me since I already knew how to do it. The only thing I can comment on this is watching my fellow classmates struggle with the process of uploading a photo to the map. I don't know why it is not automatic? Maybe there is a design flaw in the web page, but isn't this based on each person's experience with this tool or similar tools? I don't know if I would consider changing/ improving anything. Yet, based on what I've observed of my fellow classmates, I would have to say that the usability is not what is expected when it comes to the maps and putting photos on the map. What is a 3-5 minute task ended up taking folks over 20 minutes to find the maps page. I would have incorporated a tool that asks if you want to add this photo to a map when you upload the photo to flickr. After the upload, it should automatically take you to a world map and allow you to locate the spot on the map and drop it there.

The elluminate presentation was great. I have used elluminate before as moderator and student. I am familiar with all the formailites of this program, but I just wanted to comment on the presentation. The girls (don't know their names) did a great job at researching the project and setting up a powerpoint presentation.