
Thursday, February 22, 2007

Week 5 reflection

Today's conversation led to some interesting point of views, especially about the way Pink describes the new "conceptual age". I could relate to what the class was saying about the left brain vs the right brain. But what fascinated me most was the web 2.0 video that Dr. Foreman showed us. I went to the sight myself as the mini-movie was playing so I could get a closer look at what was really being said. This allowed me to really see what was going on. It was the idea behind web2.0, which brought up the debate of concept before context and vice-versa. It is like the old question 'what came first; the chicken or the egg?' The film was developed on a linear approach. It started with the old paper and pencil way to communicate in which we humans were the machine; we did the thinking and calculations and spitting out the answers with paper and pencil. Then the eraser added to the next step in technology which was the ability to use a computer program to write with. If you made a mistake a simple key stroke and you could re-write anything at a moments notice. You could even add stuff to the current page. All of this allowed us to be one with the machine. It did what we told it to do via programming. However, is it the event of all this redundent editing on paper the cause of the development of these word programs, or is it the creativity to design new ways of doing things that has allowed us to work smarter?

Like the film showed in text, web2.0 is a portal that has become a social tool that allows us to be a part of a system that is universal and forever changing. It is not static. Therefore it forces us to re-think how we think and look at things. I believe that web2.0 is an icon for diversity since it is a communal port that allows us to share our experiences and reach out to others regardless of our backgrounds, where we come from, what we believe in etc.

All I can add to this is, when it comes to technology and web2.0 there is an unprecedented amount of opportunity for growth. The sky's the limit (not really...)


Come and See Africa said...

The video was a great story about web 2.0. I am glad you enjoyed it.

williebill72 said...

Hey little girl, you have some deep thoughts there, till I digress back in time I'take your word for it. I'll see if I can find William"s and Brad's web sight. Send me some pictures I'ss post them
Love you Unka